Score Sheets

Please do not send score sheets to me if they are largely incomplete. I am not asking for perfection….far from it. However, I am no longer going to accept score sheets that don’t have team names written at the top, and no scores written in at the top and...

Updated Tuesday Standings

Please note that it will take a few days to get all of the stats from the Invitational into the skill level flux capacitor, so it’s possible that player(s) may not play at all this week and could still move up or down in skill level when the standings are posted...

Updated Monday Standings

Please note that it will take a few days to get all of the stats from the Invitational into the skill level flux capacitor, so it’s possible that player(s) may not play at all this week and could still move up or down in skill level when the standings are posted...

PACS 17 Champions!!!

Congratulations to Rustys Sportsmens as they defeated Marysville Moose 3-1 to win the PACS 17 Invitational!!!! Lots of great shooting this weekend by everyone. A special thanks to the Carlisle Armory for allowing us to use their facility and their first rate...


I apologize, but the standings for last week will not be posted this morning as I am experiencing problems with my laptop computer. Because of the Invitational also being played this weekend, the issue might won’t be resolved immediately. The good news is that I...