Invitational Entry Fees

Just a reminder to all teams that qualify for the Invitational… There is a refundable $160 entry fee per team that is due by Friday, June 17. This is plenty of time for qualifying teams to collect from all of their players. As long as the team does not forfeit...

Sideline Coaching

The issue of sideline coaching as it pertains to PACS came up yesterday and some players or teams may not fully understand the rule. In PACS, players ARE allowed to discuss strategy of the game at hand with player(s) on their team when it is not their turn to shoot at...

Skill Levels

The PACS handicapping system does consider scoresheet data when determining handicaps. It also looks for other unusual patterns that other handicapping systems do not consider. For this reason, the PACS handicapping system is superior to the other large handicap...

Score Sheets

Please do not send score sheets to me if they are largely incomplete. I am not asking for perfection….far from it. However, I am no longer going to accept score sheets that don’t have team names written at the top, and no scores written in at the top and...

Double Hit Fouls

This was originally posted on 12/28/15, but it is important enough to re-post. Note that when the cue ball is very close to the object ball and a clean hit is attempted by even very highly skilled players (by elevating the cue and hitting directly towards the object...