Skill Levels

The topic of skill levels is an often discussed topic in any “handicapped” pool league. There is actually a large amount of information on the website under the “Registration-Membership” drop down to the right (on the desktop version). I...

Today’s Inspirational Message

Apparently RG3 of the Redskins cleared out his locker today and left this note. Regardless of how you feel about RG3, the Redskins, or your religious beliefs, the message is still the same and a good one. Be the good in the world that you wish to see.

Double Hit Fouls

Bruce Lenker recently shared this video on Facebook and it was too good not to share on here. It explains some of the more common double hit fouls that occur. Since we don’t have the benefit of referees on every shot and it’s an amateur league, players who...


Some team captains are getting VERY BAD about sending me payments in a timely manner. For anyone that is MANY WEEKS in arrears and tells me ” I forgot”, I’m not buying it. I am not your bank to get free loans from. I am not here to pay for your...