Tiebreakers between teams with same winning percentage

In the event of 2 or more teams in the same division having the identical win/loss percentage, tiebreakers will be as follows..

If two (2) teams…

1. Best win/loss match percentage in head to head.
2. Best margin of victory total record in head to head.
Example… 2 teams played each other twice and are 5-5 overall. The team with the best overall margin of victory in all 10 matches played would win the tiebreaker.
3. Team that won the LAST head to head meeting. Example…
Two teams played each other twice during the session. Tiebreakers 1 and 2 ( above) have not produced a winner yet. The last tiebreaker would go to the team that won at least 3 individual matches in the LAST head to head meeting between the two teams.

If three (3) or more teams…

1. Best win/loss match percentages between only those teams. Example.. Team A, B, and C each played each other one time. Scores were as follows..
Team A wins 3-2 over Team B
Team A wins 3-2 over Team C
Team C wins 5-0 over Team B
Team C would win tiebreaker because of overall 7-3 record.
2. Best margin of victory total record in head to head among the teams that are tied ( see above in tiebreakers between 2 teams)

Once a “winner” is determined in a situation whereby three or more teams are tied, the process is repeated to determine the next highest seeded team ( if necessary ). If this is necessary, the results of any matches with the ” winner” are discarded in the next round of tiebreakers.

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