Detailed Individual Stats Are Available

Detailed individual stats are now available upon request for any player who has shot a PACS match this session. Some of the stats that will be provided…

Listing of each match played, opponent, opponent skill level, match and game score, Break & Runs, B&R %,8 on Breaks, 8 on Break %, and my personal favorite…. A breakdown win/loss record (Match and Game) of each skill level group that you have played. Obviously, as we are only 3 weeks into the session, the stats will only be inclusive of 6 matches at the most for each player. But as time goes on, it will not only be interesting to see how you perform against different skill levels and see your lifetime win/loss %, etc., it could also be a valuable resource in determining match ups.

If you would like to see your stats, please contact me and provide your email address.

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